Scratch Tinkering

Today in class we did some more ‘tinkering’ in Scratch. Can you tell me what you learnt about? Did you discover anything new? Can you remember any of our key words and explain what they mean?

Post your comments here. 🙂

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5 Responses to Scratch Tinkering

  1. Mr Welsh says:

    Hello year 6. I’ve heard so much about scratch but don’t actually know what it is. Can anyone explain it for me? I’m quite old so make it simple!

  2. Sebastian says:

    I find Scratch fun because it helps me to practise programming. When we were tinkering I had lots of fun improving the chase game, I hope we will do it again! 😀

  3. Sebastian says:

    Scratch is a programming software where you can make animations, games and improve or ‘tinker’ with the creations of other people. It is really fun because you can practise your programming skills and use your imagination. 😉 It is one of my hobbies now! 😀

  4. Annie says:

    I like scratch because you can make your own game and I learned that you can make your character speak.
    I had fun tinkering because I improved the chase game to be better and I found a trick so the characters can’t get you and I want to do it again some time

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