Category Archives: News

This week in year four!

This week in Literacy started to learn about Double ly sentences and how we can fit them in our writing to make it better. A Doubly ly sentence has 2 adverbs and 1 verb e.g. Carefully and Fearfully I jumped into the swimming pool.

On Friday we had our class assembly about the rain forest. It was based on the story ‘The Great Kapok Tree’. It was a fantastic assembly and everyone loved it!

In Maths we have been learning about the 9 and 8 times tables and their matching division facts e.g. 4 x 6 = 24, 6 x 4 = 24 so 24 divided by 6 = 4 and 24 divided by 4 = 6.

Challenge 1.

Can you find out a times table and division sum for the 10, 11 or 12 times table?

Challenge 2.

Can you write a double ly sentence about the rainforest?


Challenge 3.

We’ve just finished the first Spiderwick book. Can you write a review of the story? Did you like it? Would you recommend it? What was the best part? Who was your favourite character?

Posted in News, Y4 | 12 Comments

Let’s Think Through Maths! Broken Rulers

Today in Maths we had to solve a problem…what happens when all the rulers are taken away and the ones you have been given are ‘horredous’ (as described by Billy :)) 

Year four had to work in pairs and groups to figure out how to measure different lines without a ruler or when the rulers they have been given are completely bonkers! Everyone came up with their own ways of figuring out how to measure such as using their finger nails or pen lids. Eventually we came up with a set of ‘ruler rules’ in order to make a ‘good’ ruler.  We then made our own rulers and use these rulers to test the theory that all the lines were in fact the same length all along…and they were!


Can you remember the rules we created? Post your answers in the comments!

Posted in News, Y4 | 2 Comments