Year 6 e-safety tips!

In Year 6, we have been discussing ways and reasons to stay safe online. We watched a great video which gave us some advice about social networking. You can watch it at

Why is it important to think about what information you share online? What are the rules? Whay are they so important?

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3 Responses to Year 6 e-safety tips!

  1. dobap says:

    The most important thing is when you have an account be sure to don’t tell any one you username or password. and to never share something unless you have private settings.

  2. smitj says:

    Everyone rember don’t share details like passwords or address

  3. batta says:

    It is important to think about safety and what is public and what isn’t because if you share all of your personal details people can use your id. Also if you share loads of your details people may be able to find your account and change your password.

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