Welcome to year 5’s Blog!

This is our first chance to share our thoughts online!

Your first challenge Year 5 is based on our new science topic!

How many different types of materials can you find in your house?

What is the most common material in your house?

What material do you think is the most useful and feel we could never survive without it?

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18 Responses to Welcome to year 5’s Blog!

  1. james says:

    hi miss Oregon can we do some more fun stuff in literacy

  2. Archie-Ray Gooding says:

    Bread is the most useful thing in my house. The most common thing in my house is carpets.

  3. patrik dobany says:

    plastic paper wood

  4. Simon Rosenfeld says:

    The most common material in my house is wood.

  5. Amir Battye says:

    How many different types of materials can you find in your house-loads
    What is the most common materials in your house- water
    What material do you think is the most useful and feel we could never survive without it-water

  6. jaden lyons says:


  7. david-nathan oluwole says:

    how many different types of materials can u find in ur house, what material do u think is the most useful and feel we could never survive without it

  8. sophia amin says:

    I can find metal, plastic, wood, silicone and glass. The most common material I have at home is plastic. The material I can’t survive without is wood.

  9. Trinity says:

    I think the most popular material in my house is…. brick. Because your house is made from it!

  10. Ibrahim says:

    I can find a towl,clothes and paper.My most common metireal in my house is my clothes. We cant survive without with your clothes. Your clothes make you warm and if you go out with no clothes naked you will freez to dethe.

  11. david nathan oluwole says:

    i could find wool and bricks most unuseful is carboard

  12. david-nathan oluwole says:

    hi and by the way Ibrahim u spelt towel wrong u spelt it towl but it’s fine with me
    (happy face)

  13. Simon Rosenfeld says:

    I can find wood mainly for the flooring, brick mainly for the actual building itself , silicone mainly in between tiles ,carpet mainly on the stairs and some of the floor ,glass mostly used for the glass doors and windows ,metal sometimes used as door knobs ,cotton in the cushions ,plastic used for the clock and many other things ,organic materials e.g grapes. Also I can find cloths in the kitchen ,paper in my dads office in the house ,water the majority of the time in taps ,polyester in clothes ,plaster on the walls and ceramic materials e.g tiles, cups and plates. I think the most common material in my house is wood and maybe brick because my house is made of brick. I think the material that we wouldn’t be able to survive with is organic materials because you need food to survive.

  14. Simon Rosenfeld says:

    I can find wood mainly for the flooring, brick mainly for the actual building itself , silicone mainly in between tiles ,carpet mainly on the stairs and some of the floor ,glass mostly used for the glass doors and windows ,metal sometimes used as door knobs ,cotton in the cushions ,plastic used for the clock and many other things ,organic materials e.g grapes. Also I can find cloths in the kitchen ,paper in my dads office in the house ,water the majority of the time in taps ,polyester in clothes ,plaster on the walls and ceramic materials e.g tiles, cups and plates. I think the most common and most popular material in my house is wood and maybe brick because my house is made of brick. I think the material that we wouldn’t be able to survive with is organic materials because you need food to survive.

  15. Tom Redfearn says:

    Hello Year 5

    It’s great so see so many of you commenting on the blog; you’re real experts on this! I love all your comments on essential materials; Simon’s is very through and Trinity makes an excellent point about bricks being essential. Have you noticed that some materials look and feel different? For example, bricks come in many different colours, shapes and sizes.

    Tom 🙂

    (School Governor)

  16. Ibrahim says:

    Hi miss Oreagen can you give me some more work on this web page because I have inished the task you gave me tow weekes ago. And can you go throuh with me wat we had don today in mathes.

  17. Ibrahim says:

    Miss Oregen can you give me more work on this web page.And can we go throu the work we had workedon today.

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